The idea behind a compendium is to have a minimal description file that makes it easy for anyone to 'install' your analysis dependencies. This makes it possible for someone to run your code easily.
write_compendium_description(type = "Compendium", package = "Compendium title", description = "Compendium description", version = "0.0.1", path = ".")
type | Default here is compendium |
package | Name of your compendium |
description | Description of your compendium |
version | Version of your compendium |
path | path to project (in case it is not in the current working directory) |
To automatically populate author information, you may set usethis options in your `.rprofile` like so.
usethis.full_name = "Karthik Ram",
usethis.description = list(
`Authors@R` = 'person("Karthik", "Ram", email = "karthik.ram@gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre"),
comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-0233-1757"))',
License = "MIT + file LICENSE",
Version = ""